Sustainability Promise
Sustainable decorating involves more than just choosing an "Environmental Choice" approved paint. It also requires making sure that it's applied in an environmentally responsible manner following sustainable principles.
By choosing the services of a RESENE ECO.DECORATOR to complete your decorating projects you will have the confidence of knowing the contractor is committed to sustainable principles in their work processes.
When you hire a Certified Resene Eco.Decorator you will enjoy:
• A professional quality Painting service
• Sustainable paint systems and wherever possible use of water borne paints and Environmental Choice approved products on your projects to minimise smell, harm to the environment and enable water wash-up.
• Waste products will be managed in a recognised environmentally responsible manner using the Resene Paintwise program and other appropriate systems.
• The Eco Decorator's commitment to continually monitor and upgrade their responsibilities and work closely with Resene and the Resene Eco.Decorator Programme.